
The Arc of PA 2024 Health Summit - Request for Proposals

The Arc of Pennsylvania is seeking proposals for a one-day conference that will take place on March 6th, 2024, at the Sheraton Hotel in Harrisburg PA. This is an in-person only event, with no option to attend or present virtually. The theme of the day will be Advancing Health Equity for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 

This conference seeks to dive deeper into four major focus areas. These areas are described in detail below: (1) Education of Medical Professionals, (2) Elevating the Voices of Self Advocates, (3) Policy Changes, and (4) Advancing Dental Care. 

We are looking for innovative projects, ideas, and research that aligns with the theme.  All interested parties must complete this Request for Proposals. Each session will be one hour long. If you feel your topic needs additional time, please indicate on your submission. Thank you for your interest and submission.

Please reach out to Emma Nolan if you have any questions at enolan@thearcpa.org.
Contact Information
Please select which focus area your proposal best aligns with. 
Describe your current work here. 
How does your current work align with The Arc of Pennsylvania's goal to advance health equity for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities? 
Please provide any additional information that you would like us to know. 
Do you need any necessary accommodations for your presentation? If yes, please list them here. 
Please provider a short bio of the speaker:
If there is more than one speaker, please include the additional speaker's bio information as well
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